Window replacement in older homes is often an easy decision to make. However, the decision may be more difficult if your windows aren’t leaking and your utility bills aren’t astronomical. At Sunshine Home Improvement, we install affordable windows in Kansas City every day and want to help you understand when the time is right to replace your single or double hung windows in Kansas City.


The Condition of Your Current Windows

What is the condition of the windows in your home now? Are they damaged, worn out, or hard to open? Do they look old? If they are gas-charged double or triple pane windows, has the gas leaked out? Any of these may play a major or minor role in helping you decide if the time is right to install new double hung windows in Kansas City.


The Cost of Window Replacement in Kansas City

Can you afford to replace all your windows? Do you want to replace windows in only a few rooms and not the whole house? The cost of window replacement in Kansas City also depends upon the size of window you want to install and the type of windows you will be installing. Single hung windows in Kansas City are the most common and inexpensive option if you want to stay within a tight budget. If you need help estimating the replacement cost, call us at Sunshine Home Improvement. We can give you a free quote.


Potential Energy Savings

Energy efficient windows in Kansas City may help you significantly reduce the cost of heating and cooling your home. Energy efficient windows are more expensive than standard single-glazed windows, but the long-term savings are significant. Many customers who install energy-efficient windows recover the expense of window replacement in less than two years.

Double Hung Windows in Kansas City

How Long Do You Plan on Living in Your Home?

If you plan on living in your home for a long time, new windows are a great way to make your home more attractive and energy-efficient windows in Kansas City. If you plan on moving soon and want to increase your home’s resale value, upgrading the windows in the front of your home can increase curb appeal and possibly your home’s value.


Energy-efficient windows rarely increase the resale value of a home unless they also significantly improve its appearance. Fortunately, energy-efficient windows are available in many different styles.


What other Parts of Your Home Need Repair?

If your home has foundation problems, a leaky roof, and is in desperate need of new siding, windows may not be a priority. If you have double hung windows in Kansas City that need to be replaced immediately and have other big projects to complete, you may decide to install more economical windows.

Double Hung Windows in Kansas City

Looking for one of the Best Replacement Window Companies in Kansas City?

Call Sunshine Home Improvement!

At Sunshine Home Improvement, we can inspect, repair, or replace your windows. We offer excellent options for energy-efficient windows in various designs–– Kansas City single hung windows, casement, and more. You can also check out our excellent selection of double hung windows in Kansas City!

Our expert window installers in Kansas City will provide insight into the best style of windows to fit you and your home’s needs. With over 30 years of window installation experience in the Kansas City metro area, Sunshine Home Improvement will provide efficient, high-quality, reasonably priced service to give your home that beautiful natural light you have been searching for.

If you need the best of the best replacement window companies in Kansas City, call us at 913-599-4663 or Contact Us Online!